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Hi There!!!  As part of our weekly wedding blog, we are talking about all things wedding cake.  We have talked about how to choose your baker, what questions to ask and when to book.. today we are talking about pricing and tasting! 

Pricing and Tasting

Contact your top 3 bakeries and ask for pricing!  Each bakery has different stipulations on pricing but here are some items that they might ask from you to provide pricing options:

          Your estimated guest count. Wedding cakes range in size and this is all based on serving size, so provide a range. 

          Your wedding date.  Different times of the year, pricing could fluctuate.

          What you are looking for.  Would you like to have all tiered wedding cake?  Cake and Cupcakes?  A dessert table with multiple options?  Be specific and provide examples. 

          Where is your wedding reception being held?  They will want to include pricing for delivery as well, if they offer that service.

Once you have decided that the pricing makes sense for you – TASTE THE CAKE!  Tasting the cake is so important before you book your baker.  Keep in mind, YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!  Don’t eliminate the most expensive before you taste.  Pick your top 3 and schedule tastings. If you are fortunate enough to live near or can visit your wedding cake bakeries take advantage of it – this is the FUN PART, remember?!  Every bakery has different procedures & Specialties – so make sure you contact your top 3 and be open to suggestions!  If you don’t live near them, ask your friends or family to have the tasting for you – I’m SURE they won’t turn down free cake!!!!


Stay tuned next week for our Part V topic – DESIGN!  As always, if you have any questions, please check in with us about how we can help!





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View wedding cakes by LadyCakes Bakery https://iloveladycakes.com/wedding-cakes/
